Information Exchange: EventsEarth DialoguesGraduate Center, CUNY - New York, NY, USA ICIS co-hosted event with Global Green, USA and Green Cross International How can we foster a global ethic of environmental responsibility? The role of Cities, Business and NGOs Please Join Us for an Afternoon of Lively Discussion on Climate Change, Water Scarcity, and Global Security. Featured Speakers and Panelists Include: Mikhail Gorbachev, President, Green Cross International Steve Curword, Executive Producer and Host, Living on Earth Christiana Figueres, Negotiator, UN Framework on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol Sen. Wyche Fowler, Jr., Chairman, Middle East Institute Nathan Gardels, Editor, New Perspectives Quarterly David Hamburg, President Emeritus, Carnegie Corporation Terry Root, Professor, Stanford University; Editor, Wildlife Responses to Climate Change Jonathan Rose, President, Jonathan Rose Companies Stephen Schneider, Professor, Stanford University; Author, Laboratory Earth Scott Seydel, President, EvCo Research LLC Timothy Weiskel, Director, Harvard Seminar on Environmental Values Robert Wilkinson, Chair, Earth Island Institute …Others TBA Contact Website: Projects: ![]() Search
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