Information Exchange: EventsInvisible Construction ConferenceWagner Graduate School, NYU - New York, NY, USA From Conference Proceedings "Public officials, civil engineers and other experts in construction and public works from Europe and the United States will converged on New York University’s campus Tuesday, November 17, 1998 to discuss and exchange information on an emerging industry known as “Invisible Construction.” The Invisible Construction Conference panelists, who represent companies from as far away as the U.K. and France, revealed the latest construction and maintenance technology for bridges, roadways, utilities and buildings that reduce the disruption of services and mobility, and minimize impact on residents and businesses. California researcher, Leo Mara, inventor of the Rapid Road Repair Vehicle, featured in November’s Popular Mechanics magazine, gave a presentation on his new bus-size invention for repairing street potholes designed to complete road maintenance without interruption to traffic flow. Panelists included: Fernando Ferrer, Bronx Borough President, who discussed infrastructure issues facing New York City. Pascal Bocherel, of Gaz de France, who discussed an invisible construction technique used in France called trenchless technology for underground excavation. Lawrence G. Reuter, President, Metropolitan Transit Authority/New York City Transit, who discussed the subway and transportation systems in New York. Mark Hoffman, of Subterra-UK, who discussed technology used by Subterra, a division of the British Thames Water Services Limited. The company is considered a worldwide leader in water and gas main rehabilitation and technology. Other conference participants included representatives from the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, the City Planning Commission, the New York State Thruway and the City Comptroller’s Office. NYU’s Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems, the Sam Schwartz Company, Fort Miller Group, Con Edison and the General Contractors Association of New York were sponsors of the conference."
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