Information Exchange: PeopleTianran MingPh.D. Candidate in the Planning Program at the USC, University of Southern California Tianran Ming is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy and Management at the University of Southern California. His major is Environmental Policy and Management and his minor is Regional Development. For the past six years, he has been active in learning, teaching, research, non-profit organization administration, and consulting.. His research interests are in the decision and risk analysis as applied to environmental management problems and the regional development. He is the co-author, executive chief editor and co-translator of several books, and author or co-author of tens of articles and proposals in his research major and minor. He has administrative experiences include serving as Chairman & President of the Overseas Chinese Management Association, and the President of Singh University Alumni Association of Southern California, the President of Chinese Students and Scholars Association at USC, etc. So far, at USC, he has participated in 5 projects supervised by Dr. von Winterfeldt sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other agencies. Education: BS, Mechanical Engineering.
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