Information Exchange: PeopleJohn FalcocchioProfessor of Transportation Planning and Director of the Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Center, Polytechnic University of NY John Falcocchio is Co-Principal Investigator for Polytechnic University at ICIS, and is Professor of Transportation Planning and Director of the Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Center at Polytechnic University in New York, where he has been a member of the faculty for 22 years. Dr. Falcocchio?s expertise in the area of transportation includes traffic and transportation studies, transportation systems analysis, travel demand and transportation system management, traffic congestion and air pollution reduction strategies, coordination of land use and transportation, and intelligent transportation systems. He has managed complex transportation projects both as an educator/researcher and as practicing professional. He spent a four-year leave of absence beginning in 1987, studying and modeling the traffic system in Manhattan for the Westside Route 9A Reconstruction Project. Dr. Falcocchio is a founding partner of a major planning and engineering consulting firm and a registered professional engineer in Pennsylvania, New York and California. He is currently directing a major initiative in ITS for the New York City Department of Transportation. He is a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Planners, Intelligent Transportation Society of America, New York Academy of Sciences, and Chi Epsilon. He is also a member of the Council on Transportation, the Manhattan Borough President?s transportation advisory committee, and a past member of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council?s Executive Director?s ?Kitchen Cabinet,? and the Committee on the Transportation Disadvantaged of the Transportation Research Board. Dr. Falcocchio is an author and co-author of many technical papers and one book. Education: B.C.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; Traffic Engineer Certificate, Bureau of Highway Traffic, Yale University; M.S., Transportation Planning, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; and Ph.D., Transportation Planning, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Contact Email: Publications: ![]() Search
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