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Acrobat PDFAdvanced GIS Applications for Civil Infrastructure Systems
ID No. 34

posted: March 15, 2002
by: ICIS Administrator

Created: August 15, 2000
Description: ABSTRACT: This draft paper addresses advanced applications of geographic information systems (GIS) for decision making related to civil infrastructure systems (CIS). A functional definition for CIS is proposed that can be used to categorize databases appropriate for GIS applications. The paper provides a brief description of GIS, and includes coverage of issues such as integrative technologies, advanced GIS applications, geospatial data, community access, and interoperability. It is the intention of this draft paper to summarize key features and issues related to GIS to stimulate discussion and feedback for planning and participation in the National Forum on Advanced GIS Applications for Civil Infrastructure Systems to be held on October 26-27, 2000 in Brooklyn, NY.
Acrobat PDFORourke-UyPaper.pdf

General Infrastructure