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Project Summary
Waste Transfer Stations
Transportation and Traffic
Asthma and Air Pollution
Air Quality
Water Quality
Youth Participation and Leadership Program

According to the NYC Solid Waste Management Plan, New Yorkers discard over 13,000 tons of residential trash every day. In addition, it is estimated that the city generates over 20,000 tons of commercial waste per day. In order to discard this waste New York City has about 63 private waste transfer stations. These transfer stations are generally located in neighborhoods that are zoned for manufacturing uses. Because several areas in the South Bronx are designated for such uses, it has a disproportionate share of these facilities. Approximately 15 waste transfer stations, or about 24% of the city's total number of these stations, are estimated to be located there. These stations handle over 31% of New York City’s solid waste. Meanwhile, the South Bronx has about 6.5% of the City’s population.

As a result of waste transfer and other commercial activities, it is estimated that more than 3,000 trucks drive through the Hunts Point peninsula of the South Bronx every day. Due to such high levels of diesel truck traffic, residents have been complaining for years about air and noise pollution. Many residents believe the diesel fumes associated with traffic generated by these activities are associated with the asthma rates observed in the South Bronx. These rates are among the highest in the United States and have been steadily increasing since 1980.

The map below shows the distribution of permitted waste transfer stations in the project area.

The following map shows the relative total waste handled by these waste transfer stations, in tons per day.

For more information on waste transfer stations in the South Bronx, see Chapter 2, page 14 of the Phase I Report: Waste Transfer Stations in the South Bronx. *Phase I Report.
*You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. To download it for free just click here.

Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
New York University
411 Lafayette Street. Suite 300
New York, NY 10003