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Project Summary
Waste Transfer Stations
Transportation and Traffic
Asthma and Air Pollution
Air Quality
Water Quality
Youth Participation and Leadership Program

The South Bronx area is comprised of five community districts in the southwestern portion of the borough (also the county) of the Bronx in New York City.

• Its total population in 2000 stood at 522,412, which represents about 40% of the population of the Bronx.

Race & Ethnicity
• 39% of this population is Black and 60% is Hispanic. This represents a higher percentage of Blacks and Hispanics than resides in Bronx County, the City, or New York State.
• The percentages of the population that are Black and Hispanic are above Federal guidelines that define minority populations for the purposes of identifying environmental justice issues associated with federal actions.

Poverty Level
• Additionally, the percentage of the population that lived below the poverty level in 1989 was 39%. This is over 10% higher than the portion of the population that have incomes below the 1989 poverty level in Bronx County, almost 20% higher than those in New York City and about three times those in New York State and the United States.

• The South Bronx growth rate between 1990 and 2000 of 11.8% is slightly higher than that of Bronx county (10.7%) and the City (9.4%), and double that of New York State (5.5%).
• Population sectors within the South Bronx have changed in size over the past decade in different ways between 1990 and 2000: the Black population has declined (by 3.5%) while the Hispanic population has increased dramatically (by 18.8%).

The maps shown below describe the demographic characteristics of the project area.

For more information on demographics of the South Bronx, see Chapter 1, page 8 of the Phase I Report: Introduction. *Phase I Report.
*You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. To download it for free just click here.

Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
New York University
411 Lafayette Street. Suite 300
New York, NY 10003