Name: José Holguín-Veras
Title: Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Organization: The City College of New York
Biography: José Holguín-Veras is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at The City College of New York, where he has been on the faculty since August 1997. His professional experience includes demand modeling and economic analyses of land use-transportation projects, economic analyses of more than three hundred transportation projects, ranging from rural roads to intermodal transportation projects, in a number of different countries, in more than twenty-five major transportation projects. He has extensive modeling experience with discrete choice models (Random Utility Models), land use-transportation models, Input-Output models, and traditional UTPS applications to both freight and passengers. His professional experience includes the analysis of the intermodal alternatives for the trans-isthmian corridor that runs parallel to the Panama Canal. He has been a consultant for international companies and financial institutions, including: The World Bank, The United Nations, The Inter-American Development Bank, Frederick Harris Inc., Delcanda Inc., and Louis Berger. He has participated as a traffic expert on two major health and environmental studies. He has published papers on the fields of transportation modeling, intermodal freight transportation, transportation economics and multicriteria decision making, information technology applications to transportation operations, simulation, and transportation planning. He has lectured in Venezuela, Panama, Japan, Singapore, Dominican Republic and the U.S.
His research interests are in the areas of: freight transportation modeling, transportation economics, intermodal transportation, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), transportation planning, and information technology. He has been a member of expert panels on freight transportation modeling for the Federal Highway Administration, and member of the International Advisory Committee on Logistics for the: Universidad Central de Venezuela (Venezuela), Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Pusan National University (Korea). He is a member of the TRB Committee on Intermodal Terminal Design and Operations (A2M03); theTRB Committee on Freight Transportation Planning and Marketing (A1B02); Intelligent Transportation Systems of America's Technical Committee on Commercial Vehicle Operations; and the American Society of Civil Engineers; and has served as referee for the major professional journals. He has received a number of awards, including the CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (2001-2006); the Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award in 1996, from the Council on University Transportation Centers -awarded to his research on intermodal freight transportation-, and fellowships from the International Road Federation (1991), the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (1989), the Organization of American States (1982-1984). He has been Adjunct Professor of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Invited Lecturer of a number of Latin-American universities and Invited Professor at The California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo.
Education: Dr. Holguín-Veras received his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Magna Cum Laude, from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in 1981. He received his M.Sc. from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1984; and his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin in 1996.
ID No. 78