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Name: Qisheng Pan  Title: Ph.D Candidate in Transportation Planning
Organization: University of Southern California

Biography: Qisheng Pan, is a graduate of the doctoral program in Urban Planning in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California, where he is employed as a post doctoral fellow effective Spring, 2003. His doctoral dissertation, "Non-survey Freight Modeling Approaches," focuses on best practices for predicting and modeling freight flows in urban transportation networks. He has worked for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and as an intern for the Southern California Association of Governments in Los Angeles. Education: B.Sc., Seismology (1992) and MSc in Cartography and Remote Sensing (1995), Peking University, M.S., Computer Science, USC, and Ph.D., Urban Planning, School of Policy, Planning and Development at the University of Southern California, 2001.

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