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Acrobat PDFAdvanced GIS Applications - Chapter Four: Transportation
ID No. 67

posted: April 18, 2002
by: ICIS

Created: January 18, 2002
Author: Christine Olivia Uy
Description: Transportation systems move people and goods. They consist of streets, highways, railroads, mass transit, ports and waterways, and air transportation facilities. Transportation systems involve issues related to land use, demographics, economics and the environment. As such, they are prime candidates for GIS. Due to the large amounts of data required for planning and management, it is only in the last ten to fifteen years, as computer and data storage technologies have improved, that GIS have gained widespread use in the transportation community. The recent availability of accurate street maps from the Census Bureau and other sources, as well as GPS and image processing technologies, has also stimulated GIS applications for transportation systems.
Acrobat PDFGIS Applications Chapter Four - Transportation Systems.pdf

General Infrastructure